CHA Academy also provides safety training and recognition to help you to design, develop, and deploy a safety management program to support effective business environment.
Programmes Offered:
- Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 (OSHA 1994)
- Factory and Machinery Act 1967 (FMA 1967)
- SHE Management At Workplace
- Functions of Safety and Health Committee
- Training on OHSAS 18001 Standards Requirements
- Internal Auditor Training for Quality and OSH Management System
- Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Control Measures
- Emergency Preparedness and Response Procedures
- Accident Investigation
- Isolation of Energy
- Safety and Health Awareness Programme
- Noise and Hearing Conversion Programme
- Job Safety Analysis
- Occupational Health and Safety Management at Workplace
- Understanding ISO 14001 Standards Requirements
- Environment Quality Act 1974 (EQA 1994)
- Understanding ISO 9001 Standards Requirements
- Methodology to Perform Workplace Inspection
- Mobile Plant Management
- Behavioral Based Safety